Rev. Jaroslaw “Jerry” Gamrot.

GREAT MILLS, Md. – Reverend Jaroslaw “Jerry” Gamrot, 58, who serves at Holy Face Catholic Church and Little Flower School in Great Mills, has been charged for an incident that reportedly happened in July on a highway.

Gamrot, a Poland native who currently has a residence in Frederick County, Maryland, was served the charges on August 21.

Charging documents for the incident indicate that on July 25, Gamrot was traveling west on Route 70 in Frederick with no pants on and was allegedly masturbating.

A male victim claimed to police that he was exposed to him on a public road near the 56-mile-marker. The victim claimed to state police that he was targeted by Gamrot, as he continued to pull up next to his vehicle multiple times to expose himself.

This allegedly occurred three times.

Photo of Gamrot (via Little Flower School on Facebook).

However, on Gamrot’s final maneuver, the victim took a picture of the vehicle’s license plate and the inappropriate action taking place.

The tag was run by the police, who later identified Gamrot as the vehicle’s owner.

According to the charging documents, on August 21, a member of the Maryland State Police interviewed Gamrot at his residence in Frederick County, where he admitted he was driving the vehicle after being read his Miranda Rights.

He has since been placed on administrative leave at the parish and school.

According to the Little Flower School website, where Gamrot served as the administrator, he “graduated from the Catholic University of Lublin with a Master’s of Divinity and received the Sacrament of Holy Orders, becoming a presbyter of the Roman Catholic Church in 1991.”

The website also notes how he likes to “work with people and children.”

In a statement to, a spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Washington, which oversees the Catholic Church in most parts of Maryland, said:

“Father Jerry Gamrot of Holy Face Catholic Church in Great Mills, Maryland, has been placed on administrative leave and suspended from public ministry pending an investigation into alleged misconduct away from the parish and school.

No determination about Father Gamrot’s future will be made until the investigation is concluded.”

Gamrot has been charged with indecent exposure, which is considered a misdemeanor. Aside from that, records indicate that he has only ever been charged for a speeding ticket he received in St. Mary’s County back in 2019.

He has a preliminary hearing scheduled for October 25th at 12:30 p.m. in Frederick County.

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    1. To be clear .. castration only removes the testicles ..
      The correct word is penectomy .. removal of the penis …

  1. How dare you do this to a wonderful man like Father Jerry. It’s innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

    1. I’d say there is a picture of little Jerry that says otherwise. He should be shunned from the church and I think we should all line up and throw rocks at him.

    2. Lmfao are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking. This man chased another person down on the highway putting other drivers lives at risk, all for what? To get his nut off? He’s a predator, end of discussion.

    3. A man who is driving without pants exposing himself to others is NOT WONDERFUL!!! THE guy got photos!!! RU a blind catholic? Have you seen in the news all the children sexually abused by “nice” Roman Catholic priests. Wake Up!!!

  2. Very true, however, the male victim he was targeting was able to take a picture of the pervert in the act, and also got a picture of his tag. So while humans have the ability to deceive and lie, it’s kind of hard to do as you are staring at a picture of you being a “Weinie wagger while choking his chicken.” A picture is worth a thousand words, and I doubt that even the “good Father” can come up with a lie good enough for him to dodge being labeled a pervert!

  3. If it was a female masturbating that the man saw would he still go to the police for indecent exposure? I ask because my boyfriend used to drive a dump truck and they look for that crap all the time a lot of times people do it on purpose when they see truck drivers because they know they’re looking! Now this does not mean that every truck driver looks down at people when it does not mean that every person masturbates to truck drivers please don’t misconstrue what I am saying! Simply the fax if there’s was a woman pull up beside him and masturbating would he have still turned her in?

  4. They should really look into what happens behind closed door in that school. I worked there for months and had a bad feeling about how things were handled. All the way from racism to inappropriate activity..

  5. 90% of going to church is going to church, or traveling. The other 10% is your heart is in it, even though it may not be. Religion has survived in the free market of religion.

  6. Those who go to church vote, not just because they are concerned about morality or immorality, but also because they’re willing to get- up + do something on Sunday besides just sleep- in + have breakfast in bed.

    1. There is no voting on Sundays and getting up and going to a story time of fictional crap doesn’t make a person any better than someone who sleeps in.

  7. This is what happens when people blindly follow the man made lies and errors of the RCC. I know this because I was brought up, for 18 years, in RC schools & churches. After that, I left it completely, I learned the truth and I followed the real truth.
    Follow the Bible and you won’t be misled.
    There is NO mandate in the Bible for ANY clergy to be prevented from marrying. If they could marry, they’d have a sexual outlet to use to prevent this (and other) types of their sick behavior.
    BTW; Obama was a very serious danger to America and 52% of his voters claimed to be Catholics. Pelosi & Biden also claim to be Catholic. Something to think seriously about…

    1. Which one of the thousands of heretical protestant “ back to the Bible” sects all teaching their own different versions biblical truths won’t mislead me? Perhaps I should trust the interpretation of an apostate former “catholic “ like yourself who no doubt can read Hebrew, Greek and Latin the original languages of the Bible and surely has a doctorate in biblical studies?

      1. Giovanni & Domingo; Actually, I DO have a degree in biblical studies but that doesn’t mean that I have to know the meaning of every word in Hebrew & Greek. I can look them up in the writings of those who do know their meaning.
        There’s not enough time or space on here to straighten out your ignorance and I’m sure that NONE of you have degrees in this field but you sure like to talk like you do. Any time, any place, I’ll be happy to sit and school you on this.
        DOMINGO, the Bible was not “given to us by the RCC”. Constantine was an emperor who made his subjects compile a bunch of the books that he got seriously wrong! There are only 66 inspired books in the actual Bible but, not being led by the Holy Spirit, he added a number of “Apocryphal” books that had to be removed later.
        And truth be told, to make it popular, he “founded” the RCC after the “Edict of Milan” (@ 313 AD) by combining both Christian and pagan beliefs (A BIG error). I’ve spent 33 the last years speaking on this so please learn more before you parrot your untruths, OK?
        The RCC was NOT “founded” by Jesus Christ because so many of their (your) beliefs were contradicted by him. Again, learn more before you simply parrot things that you’ve been told.
        Did you know that 52% of Obama voters claimed to be Catholic? The majority of them still vote for democrats so, do you really want Schumer, Pelosi & Biden to be good representatives of your church?

    2. You might be surprised to know that the Catholic Church gave the protestants the Bible. Before you judge the Church by Her priests and faithful, look at the mirror first. The Catholic Church is founded by Christ and should not be equated to the scandals surrounding Her. Those scandals are proofs that She is the True Church because the enemy does its might to smear Her.

  8. I had to read this on Baynet and the Church did not tell us what was going on for the last 2 Sundays. Only that he was on Administrative Leave. Church said the congregation was sent letters of this matter, but I did not.

    No Transparancy.

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