Photo from Bernie Fowler’s 2014 Wade-In.

CALVERT COUNTY, Md. — A family member of Bernie Fowler Sr. recently posted on social media to announce the passing this morning of former Calvert County Commissioner and former Maryland State Senator. He was 97 years old.

Fowler served from 1970-1982 as a Calvert County Commissioner and then for the following 11 years in the Maryland Senate. He was named to a democratic Lieutenant Governor ticket during the 1994 primary election, but his ticket would lose to Parris Glendening later that year.

During and after his time in politics, he remained an active community member, known by many for his efforts to clean the Patuxent River.

Some may recall his famous wade-ins to check the water’s clarity at Jefferson Patterson Park each year, which would draw the likes of many community members.

In 1998, one part of the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory located in Solomons was named in honor of Fowler, for his dedication to cleaning local waterways.

We will continue to provide additional details about services as they come available.

We would like to offer our condolences to the family at this time.