CALIFORNIA, Md. – The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the identity of the person pictured in a theft investigation. On Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 3:25 pm, the suspect walked out of the California Walmart store with a 75-inch Samsung television without paying for it, placed it in the back of a white SUV and drove off. 

Anyone with information about the identity of the suspect or this incident is asked to call Deputy Donald Shubrooks at 301-475-4200, ext. 8176 or email Case # 10693-22

Citizens may remain anonymous and contact the St. Mary’s County Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for an award of up to $1,000 for information about a crime in St. Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or indictment.

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  1. That’s definitely dumb dog! Rollin out with that 75 inch tv

    What you gonna watch on that? CNN? Cspan?

    I got one for you, how about enrolling in abc mouse


  2. Wow! Washington DC needs them some Walmart cams.

    Walmart pegged this dude. Got a clear shot, captured his vehicle, hell, it’s almost clear enough to see the SN/Model# of the TV right there on the side of the box.

    But, somehow, in the most heavily surveillanced city in the world – that is Wash DC – They still can’t seem to find the dude, after being captured on cameras, that lay pipe bombs in front of the Republican HQ the day before Jan 6th.

    Imagine that?

  3. How does this even happen? They stop me at the door to make sure I didn’t put an extra bunch of parsley in my grocery bag or some such thing. Maybe, instead of buying groceries, I should spend more time in the electronics department.

  4. How does this happen? I get stopped to look at my receipt if I have a case of water under my cart!

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