Design a poster focused on the St. Mary’s Transit Service and National Transportation Week and win a prize for free transportation!

Poster designs, due to any STS driver by May 5, should be on 8.5 X 11 paper. Winners will be chosen on May 11; please include first and last name and phone number on entries.

The first place winner will receive a Monthly STS pass; a sheet of one-way tickets will be awarded to the second place winner and an all-day pass will be presented to the third place finisher. The contest is open to all St. Mary’s County residents (one entry per person).

Ride an STS bus during National Transportation Week—May 16-22—and receive a prize! Riders will receive all day passes for only $1 on May 16 and 17 and STS Logo stationery will be distributed to riders on May 18-20. Driver/Mechanic Crew Appreciation Day is May 21 and Mystery Prizes will be awarded. Surprise STS giveaways will be available on May 22.

For more information on public transportation in St. Mary’s County, log on to or call (301) 863-8400, ext. 1120.