ANNAPOLIS, MD – After escalating outbreaks of African swine fever in China and Romania, the Maryland Department of Agriculture aims to educate Maryland swine producers and pig farmers about this highly contagious viral disease found in pigs. The virus has no treatment or vaccine, and has a potentially high mortality rate for swine. Maryland swine producers and pig owners are urged to be aware of the signs and symptoms of African swine fever, to report any sick pigs to their veterinarians, and to increase biosecurity measures in their operations.

African swine fever has never been found in the United States and is not known to affect human health, making it neither a public health concern nor a food safety concern.

“African swine fever is highly contagious in pigs and can be devastating to entire pig operations,” said Maryland State Veterinarian Dr. Michael Radebaugh. “Though this virus has not been found on American soil, with travel and trade we are more connected now than ever before. It is important for Maryland swine producers to be aware of this virus and to take every precaution to protect their herds.”

This virus spreads easily between pigs by direct contact with other sick pigs or through indirect contact with contaminated objects, such as: vehicles, equipment, footwear, clothing, and feed components. Uncooked or undercooked meat, including refrigerated and frozen products, can carry the virus, making garbage feeding and smuggled food items a major threat. It has also been reported that some species of ticks, flies, and other blood-sucking insects can transmit the virus.

Signs of African swine fever closely mimic other contagious and infectious swine diseases which includes high fever, decreased appetite, and weakness. Sick pigs may experience diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Skin of infected swine may appear blotchy, reddened, or have blackened lesions. Abortions can occur in pregnant sows.

Mortality rates for the virus can vary. In adult pig populations, highly virulent strains can cause 90 to 100 percent mortality—low virulent strains can cause 10 to 30 percent mortality. Mortality rates are even higher among younger pigs. Any farmers or caretakers that notice increased mortality rates among their herd should inform a veterinarian right away. Veterinarians who diagnose this virus must report it to the State Veterinarian’s office at 410-841-5810.

More information is available from the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s Animal Health Advisory and Iowa State University’s Center for Food Security & Public Health African Swine Fever Fact Sheet.